Bailey Family News

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Hunter !!!


Happy Birthday Hunter!!!!!

My big boy is getting bigger every day. I can't believe he is 8 years old today.

He is so sweet (when he wants to be) especially when it comes to his baby brother. They adore each other so much and it just warms my heart to watch him with Toby. I never would have guessed he would be so cautions and caring and easy with T.

He has proven to be a great help and even though we sometimes have to argue about it he is starting to take a little more initiative to do things for himself. We still need to work on appreciating the things that we have and not being wasteful. All these things he is supposed to do as he grows up but I still can't help but catch a glimpse of that tiny frail 6lb 4oz little boy we brought home from the hospital a week after he was born. He is still every bit as precious just in a different way.

Hunter has grown to become a very smart and affectionate child. The things he says and does sometimes catch me off guard. Sometimes I wonder how he could have such a vivid understanding of a subject or where he learned to be so passionate about the things he believes in. Other times I wonder how he got so smart. He knows exactly what to say and do in order to get his way. Just the other day he wanted to sleep on the floor in our room. I told him that the storms were over to get quiet and go to bed. Hunter then says "Mom I don't want to sleep in here because of the storms I want to sleep in here just because I want to be with my family. You are my family and I just love you guys so much" Needless to say it was tough but I told him no and sent him off to bed. He is certainly trying to use the FAMILY Card here lately. Yesterday he asked me something what I don't remember but I replied whatever floats your boat. He informed me we didn't have a boat and wanted to know what that meant. I told him whatever makes him happy. He said just being with me made him happy because he loved me and he was my family so where ever he was he would be happy as long as he was with me. Sometimes I swear someone is handing him lines to say. He can put it on pretty thick. LOL

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mudcats ... Here Comes American All Stars.


Back to the Mudcats stadium we go. Daddy got the box from Roger and we had a few extra things to consider. Mark Ream one of the IT guys at Eagle sang the banner. Way to go Mark. I think this was the 3rd year in a row that he has been invited to come sing. Hunter and the rest of his All Star team were invited to take the field with the Muscats during the opening ceremony. Hunter ran out to Far Right field. I think they all had a good time.

Before anything could begin it rained and rained and rained. I was beginning to think that they would never play ball that night. While we waited for them to get the field conditions taken care of one of the Mudcat players came out to talk to our team because they were hanging out on the stadium floor. He even took time to share his sunflower seeds with our guys. How great is that!!!!! I hope Hunter is kind enough to follow his example if he is lucky enough to be in the same circumstances when he grows up.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Toby scheduled for surgery.

Don't worry nothing serious. Actually a little relieved.

I got in to see the ENT with Toby today. He does not have any infection in his ears but both drums are dull with fluid behind them. Dr. Sieracki discussed our options. We decided to go ahead and put tubes in his ears. A much needed procedure if you ask me. Anyway, he is scheduled for July 2, 2010. Just in time for his birthday. I will be relieved when it is all over. Please pray that he remains pain and infection free until we have surgery. I hope that he will get immediate relief from the tubes.

School's Out

School is out for the summer.

We are so proud of Hunter. His award ceremony was held on 6/2/2010. He received 6 awards that day.

Principal's Academic List (all 3 & 4s)
National Physical Fitness
AR Reading
AB Honor Roll

Man that is a list, and really a few surprises. I am so happy for him. He didn't always give 100% according to my expectations but he must have come pretty darn close. I couldn't be prouder and he couldn't be happier to officially be a 3rd Grader!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

There's No Stopping Me Now

I thought I would try to get a few pics of Toby in the New Huggies that look like Jeans. He is finally crawling very well. Little booger is getting fast. Before we knew it he started to pull up too. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be walking by his first birthday. I am so proud of my little man.

Please forgive me for the picture quality my phone was the first thing I could grab when he started doing this.

How ya like me now?

All Star Player...


Hunter was tapped to represent Rocky Mount on the American League ALL STARS!!! He is so excited for him and can't wait to see what experiences lie ahead.